“Build Your Own” Veggie Bites

These bite-sized snacks are easy and delicious. Diced veggies introduce kids to new flavors while limiting the “yuck” factor. Letting kids choose their own ingredients encourages independence and healthier eating patterns from childhood on.

Think small when dicing up veggies to top crackers. Bite-sized is best!

PREP TIME: 5 minutes


  • whole grain crackers

  • hummus (homemade or store-bought

  • Assorted fresh vegetables: bell peppers, carrots, cucumbers, corn (canned), avocado, green onion, broccoli and other favorites.

  1. Wash and prep veggies; peel, shred or cut into bite-sized pieces.

  2. Spread a teaspoon of hummus onto each cracker.

  3.  Top with favorite prepared veggies

  4. Serve right away. Refrigerate leftover hummus or veggies promptly.


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